Category Archives: Latest Updates




UNICEF Child Protection Officer Mrs. S. Sarmili and UN Volunteer Ms. Camillie visited our organization on 20th April and had a discussion on drug abuse and eradication with SOND Executive Director and staff.
Records of this can be seen in the pictures






A discussion on Youth Issues and Solutions was organized by SOND and held on 10.04.2023. Former Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Balasundarampillai and Vavuniya University Chancellor Prof. Mohanathas, and other experts including people from government departments participated in this discussion. Some of its records can be seen in the pictures



Stakeholders Consultation Meeting- Cookstove Project



C Quest Capital Stoves Asia Limited in collaboration with its implementing partners under the Verified Carbon Standard; Local Stakeholders Consultation Meeting of “Installation of Efficient Wood Stoves in Sri Lanka” project was held on 12.04.2023.
It discussed project design and its implications for sustainable development. This discussion was moderated by SOND. Some of its records can be seen in the pictures.



Children Club DIRC programme



The religious leaders met the students of Ariyalai Nawaladi  Children’s Club  and the event related to teaching religious values was organized by the Jaffna District Interreligious Committee and was held on 20th March 2023. The event was completely conducted by the children



Providing Dry Foods



In the Jaffna District Inter  Committee meeting, a small amount was collected from the members of the committee who participated in the last monthly meeting with the aim of providing small assistance to the weak families in view of the current economic situation of the country and a small assistance was given to the head of the family headed by a blind woman living in Suzhipuram. Her daughter is nutritionally challenged and her elderly mother lives with her. And it is desirable that any friends who see this help the family.



Model Village Project



A meeting for Community Leaders and Volunteers
of the Model Village Project was held on 12th of 
See pictures of SOND Organization Executive Director
Mr. S. Senthurajah presenting the project 
and participating participants.




Staff Capacity Training



A Training on the topic of Digitilization for SOND employees was held  on 09.03.2023 by Mr.S.Prasanthan, Director of Innovay.

Some of the records can be seen in the picture



Preschool Teachers Meeting



SOND is  doing a study regarding the preschool.  The picture shows the officials from SOND Mrs. T. Nirupa and Mr.K.Kiritharan discussing with Karavetti Division Preschool teachers.
The meeting was conducted under the chairmanship of Vadamarachi Assistan Director of Education – Preschool Mr. Sathyaseelan.



NPC Project Evaluation



The National Peace Council visited SOND for project evaluation. See participating members in pictures.
They have presented their publication to SOND. In the picture Project Manager Mr. Saman Seneviratne, Project Officer Mrs. Rasika, Institute Director Mr. S. Senthurasa, Professors Mohanathas, Professor Jayasingham, SOND Project Coordinator Ms. Jency were seen there.






A one-day workshop on women’s rights for women members of local authority and other women leaders by SOND was held at Tilko hotel today 01.03.2023. This training was conducted by the University of Jaffna Law Department Lecturer Mrs. Conducted by Kosalai Madan. The event was moderated by Mrs. Jency Victor, DIRC Jaffna District Coordinator. It is noteworthy that the National Peace Council has provided financial support for this. Some of its records can be seen in the pictures.